Tony Abbott is a failed and pitiful politician: Chinese Embassy

BYYasir Rehman


Chinese Embassy in Canberra has discredited former Prime Minister Tony Abbott as a failed and pitiful politician.

Reacting angrily over his remarks made at a conference in Taiwan on Friday, Chinese Embassy in a statement on Saturday said that Tony Abbott recent despicable and insane performance in Taiwan fully exposed his hideous anti-China features.

“This will only further discredit him”, statement read.

The former Prime Minister, who led Australia from 2013 to 2015, Friday said ‘Sensing that its relative power might have peaked with its population ageing, economy slowing and finances creaking, it is quite possible that Beijing could lash out disastrously quite soon.

Addressing at the annual Yushan forum, organised by the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation. Mr Abbott said that our challenge is to try to make sure that the unthinkable remains unlikely and that the possible does not become the probable.

Mr Abbott said the US and Australia would likely join Taiwan in repelling any Chinese military aggression.

‘I don’t believe America could stand by and watch [Taiwan] swallowed up. ‘I don’t believe Australia would be indifferent to the fate of a fellow democracy of almost 25million people,’ he said .

While criticising China for trade barriers, he claimed that China has weaponised trade, especially against Australia, with our barley, wine and coal exports all stopped on spurious safety grounds, and its embassy has published 14 demands – essentially that we become a tributary state – that no self-respecting country could accept.

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