“Quit as Christmas gift’ to nation” NSW deputy premier calls on Malcolm Turnbull to quit

BYYasir Rehman
SOURCEThe Australian


In a sign of growing distance between Nationals and Liberals, NSW deputy premier John Barilaro Friday demanded Malcolm Turnbull to quit as prime minister “before Christmas as a Christmas gift” to Australians.
The state’s Nationals leader says he has lost all hope in Mr Turnbull, describing him as “out of touch” and the reason the federal government is in disarray. Latest statement from a Nationals leader proves fractured relations between Liberals and Nationals and came a day after under pressure Prime minister caved in to rebel Nationals senators demand for Banking Royal Commission.

“Turnbull is the problem. The prime minister is the problem. He should step down and allow for a clean out of what the leadership looks like federally,” The Australian quoited Mr Barilaro while talking to Sydney’s 2GB radio.

Mr Barilaro said the Federal Government’s response to the Queensland election loss shows a complete lack of leadership. “What really got my goat on Sunday was to hear the Prime Minister of this nation turn around and say there were no federal issues that affected the State Government and the state election. LNP secured 36 seats in 93 seater Queensland Parliament with 7 results yet to announce where Labor now has 45 seats — two short of the 47 required for majority. The LNP-held electorates of Aspley, in Brisbane’s north and the Gold Coast-based Gaven both fell to Labor, which also holds leads in four other seats across Queensland.

“I mean that’s just a joke. If you’re completely out of touch like that comment… in my mind it just shows there is no leadership.
“You’ve got a party in disarray, a coalition government in disarray and the community is not unified and that is all at the feet of the Prime Minister of Australia.’’

He said there would be no chance of Mr Turnbull winning the next election due to lack of support in his partyroom after back-flipping over a banking Royal Commission.
“We don’t want to see the stabbing in the back, but that’s exactly what we are going to see in the months ahead if something doesn’t happen,” he said.
“My view is Turnbull should give (Australians) a Christmas gift and go before Christmas.”
Malcolm Turnbull Thursday announced a royal commission into the banking sector, after sustained pressure from within his own Government and an admission by Australia’s big four banks that an inquiry is necessary to restore public faith in the financial system.