West is obsessed to blame Russia for their own faults: Russian Embassy

UK has a long record of providing shelter to Russian oligarchs and their money

BYYasir Rehman

Mr Alexey Pavlovsky, Ambassador of Russian Federation in Australia

Russian Embassy in Australia Saturday criticizing an article published in The Sydney Morning Herald said West has an obsession to blame Russia for their own faults.

A spokesperson of the Russian embassy in a statement said the article ‘Something rotten’: Putin critics lay into Johnson over Russia report, published in The Sydney Morning Herald on November 15, follows the well-known narrative: whenever something proves rotten in the otherwise perfect Western democracies, the blame is on Putin.

“Too bad the SMH readers were left in the dark about the key piece of the puzzle. UK has a long record of providing shelter to Russian oligarchs (and their money, of course) wanted in Russia and worldwide for money laundering and other crimes”, the statement read.

Spokesperson said since the time when notorious Boris Berezovski settled in London in 2003 the British authorities have been consistently refusing meaningful cooperation with Russian law enforcement authorities on such matters.

Referring the important testimony given by Bill Browder, spokesperson pointed that what he says in fact is that criminal investigations in Great Britain (surprise! surprise!) are subject to interference from the part of the political establishment. As cited in the article, he reveals Britain’s National Crime Agency was instructed not to investigate certain cases.

“Could it be that on other occasions, depending on political needs investigators are instructed to investigate? or to come up with certain pre-determined findings? Skripals case?”, spokesperson raised the question.

The spokesperson also pointed that all of this has a relevance for Australia as well.

“Those here who genuinely strive to ensure justice for the victims of MH17 should know better than take the integrity of the investigation led by the Joint Investigation Team for granted. The evidence of its political bias keep piling up”, he concluded.

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