MIKTA Ambassadors brief Joint Standing Committee

BYYasir Rehman
SOURCEEmbassy of South Korea


Ambassador of South Korea to Australia LEE Baeksoon together with the Ambassadors of MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey & Australia) in Canberra and First Assistant Secretary of Multilateral Policy Division, DFAT held a briefing session on MIKTA at Parliament House on 5 December to the parliamentary members of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade including Senator Ian Macdonald, its chair.

MIKTA is an informal partnership between Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia. It is led by the Foreign Ministers. It was created in 2013 and aims to support effective global governance.

According to a statement issued by the Embassy of Republic of Korea, at the briefing, MIKTA Ambassadors and the first assistant secretary respectively make a brief explanation on the general outline of the MIKTA (Indonesia, MIKTA Coordinator 2018), MIKTA cooperation in addressing regional and global issues (Korea), MIKTA Foreign Ministers Meeting (Australia), 2019 MIKTA coordinator (Mexico), and MIKTA cooperation on migration and refugees (Turkey). And they exchanged opinions on MIKTA as well as other international issues with parliamentary members.

It is thought that the briefing made a great contribution to enhancing awareness of MIKTA by the parliamentary members and strengthening solidarity among 4 MIKTA diplomatic missions in Australia.

The statement further said that the Embassy of Republic of Korea will continue its efforts with other MIKTA countries in raising awareness and visibility of MIKTA in Australia.