Cabinet reshuffle likely tomorrow, George Brandis new High commissioner to UK

BYYasir Rehman


Despite keen to carry current portfolio, Attorney-General George Brandis is leaving Parliament to take up the post of Australia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom replacing Alexander Downer. Senator Brandis’ move to London opens the way for a ministerial reshuffle — it is likely to be announced tomorrow, ABC confirmed Monday.

The official broadcaster reported that The senior Cabinet role of attorney-general is tipped to be filled by either Social Services Minister Christian Porter or Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

Both are already in Cabinet and both are from Western Australia.

Mr Porter appears the frontrunner, having previously served as WA attorney-general and as a public prosecutor.

The position of special minister of state is also vacant because Liberal senator Scott Ryan became Senate President last month. The other big change in the ministry is the already announced decision to make Peter Dutton the Home Affairs Minister.

Mr Dutton’s new super-ministry will incorporate ASIO and the Australian Federal Police, as well as immigration.